Wine for women who do extraordinary things, every day.

Happy Mum Happy Child

If you are a fan of Happy Mummy Happy Child on Facebook or follow her on Instagram, then you will know that Maria Foy, the Kiwi Mum behind this incredibly successful blog shares motherhood in all its glory. It’s not sugar coated, but it is always infused with the power of love and now and then laughter, which as any Mum knows is essential to survival, especially in the early days. 

Maria is, in her words, the ‘nutbar’ behind Happy Mum Happy Child. She has two children, she’s a stay-at-home mum, and she says she is pretty sure she’s certifiable.  

Maria shares her journey through motherhood on her blog and her various social channels. It is her complete and utter honesty that has won the hearts of fans across the web. She tells it all like it is, so we asked her as part of our Mother’s Day celebration to share her thoughts with us here on our blog.

So Maria, Tell us a bit about yourself?

My name is Maria.  First and foremost, I am a stay-at-home mum to two children – aged 2 and 4.  I run the website, and blog, Happy Mum Happy Child.  My passion is my children and husband.  Each day is spent surviving moment to moment.  I’m not going to lie – I struggle a lot.  However, I get to share my story through my blog and connect with many amazing Mums who are in a similar position.    Together we help each other.  And realise that we are not alone.  I love creating activities and recipes for my children and family – and love sharing them with people.  I love sharing what I do, in the hopes that others will take comfort in the fact that it’s ok not to be perfect.

How would you describe you motherhood journey?

I still struggle, to this day, to juggle life and being a mother.  I learn every single moment of the day and find a lot of things challenging.  The most challenging is doubting myself as a parent – worrying that I’m not doing enough for them.  The most rewarding is watching them laugh and grow.  When I watched my daughter confidently write her name I was over the moon with joy.

If you could tell your pre-Mum-self something, what would that be?

I would say “You will be enough.  You will do enough.  They will love you no matter what.”

Being a Mum is extraordinary because…?

Being a Mum is extraordinary because I am challenged every day, and as a reward, I get my children.  Who are so amazing.

How do you celebrate Mother’s Day?Maria_Foy_Kids

I spend the day with my Mother, and my Mother-in-law – remembering with them the ups and downs of parenting.  And thanking them from the bottom of my heart for all they have done – because I now know the sacrifices they made.  That might sound a little “bleugh, really?!” but I am truly grateful for what our parents did.  I also spend a lot of time with my own family – we have a lovely dinner together and speak about the birth of our children (even though they don’t really care haha) …

Which is your choice from The Sisters wines?

I will always love The Sisters Sauvignon Blanc, and Rosé – for me they epitomise relaxed, fun and being a woman.  All things I LOVE.

If you want to keep up to date with Maria’s journey and unique perspective on motherhood, then check out her website. It’s jam-packed with great recipes, activities for kids as well as tips and tricks and so much more, all shared with her particular kind of honesty and humour.

We’ll leave you with a recent video Maria shared, demonstrating the one essential every Mum needs- The Wine Handbag!