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5 tips to stress less by Rachel Grunwell

By Rachel Grunwell: Wellness expert + speaker. Yoga & mindfulness teacher. Author of the book Balance: Food, Health + Happiness

We are living in an era where we know how to recharge our phones – but not ourselves. Feeling stressed has become a state of normal. We wear that state of being busy like some crazy badge of honour.

But we need to be mindful that long-term stress can harm our body and beauty.

Living life on adrenalin can impact on our ability to lose weight and put our emotions on a roller-coaster. Living life in top gear too much can burn us out and potentially spiral us into depression. Being stressed also doesn’t make us that much fun to be around…

At least a third of Kiwis are stressed or depressed at any one time. So we need to learn how to manage stress better.

Here are some science-backed strategies I share as a wellness speaker. These are just some of the strategies included in my book Balance. Give one strategy a try that resonates with you.

1. Move more
Exercise in a way that you enjoy and do it at least three times weekly. The World Health Organisation recommends 150 minutes of moderate exercise weekly – but this is just a base-line level.

One thing I love to do is run, which helps me to feel the “exercise high”. It gets me out in nature, the sunshine and fresh air. I get up a sweat and see lots of things while on the run. I always feel amazing when I finish. Running is great too as you can do it any time you like and you don’t need an expensive gym membership, just shoes.

Start with a walk/run routine for 10 minutes around your block 2-3 times weekly and after a few weeks even… you will notice you can run more than you walk.

2. Yoga 
This can help you unwind and centre yourself. It personally empowers me, connects me to others, grounds me and take me to a bliss place. I feel calm through this practice. Every. Time.

3. See your friends
Catch up with girlfriends who make you smile, lift you up and support you to be the best version of yourself. Being around positive people will fuel your positivity and go-get-’em-attitude in life. I catch up with my bookclub monthly and do girls’ dinner nights out every month too. This always makes me smile. We laugh, share stories, connect, drink wine, eat great food, and I always leave these groups feeling uplifted.

4. Try diaphragmatic breathing 
This calms your nervous system in a matter of moments. Lay on a mat still for three minutes with your hands by your sides and eyes closed. Relax your whole body, one part at a time, from the toes to the tip of your head. Breathe deeply and slowly in the belly area while you relax. This should help you find more bliss!

5. Stroke an animal.
This will always make you smile, pause and find more zen!

Find out more about how to live life more in Balance with Rach’s book Balance: Food, health + Happiness.

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